Hi Ladies,
I want to share the workouts I did when I was prego…I will also be sharing what I did after delivering the baby in my next post so stay tuned! I did the Tracy Anderson 9 month workout video which is really great …it mostly works your arms, legs and butt and makes it easier for you to get back to your workout regime after your pregnancy…I recommend all you pregos to try this routine it’s the same video every month and you can do it as you please. I usually work out 4 times a week, in the morning I do the 30 min video then in the evening try to walk for 20 to 30 min…this will keep you healthy and happy and less tired throughout the day.You can get the 9 videos for each month for around 20 bucks…trust me it’s definitely worth it! 🙂 Click the link on the bottom to buy today!